Monday, October 17, 2011

Decameron 3

3.3. – This story shows how the woman uses the friar to get in contact with the man she lusts for. This story shows how people are easily manipulated by making them think your intentions are good. Both the man and the lady know how easy it is to manipulate the friar so they use false information to trick him into thinking the woman in innocent when really she wants the man she complains to him about.

3.6. – Ricciardo uses Catella’s jealousy against her to make her do what he wants. Ricciardo makes Catella think that her husband is cheating on her and no longer loves her. She is tricked into believing his lies and eventually he gets her to sleep with him because she thinks its her husband waiting for another man. He uses her insecurities and her emotions to manipulate her into doing what he wants.

3.9. – Giletta is a rich woman who is a doctor. She uses her skills to help heal the king and then in exchange for healing him she is allowed to choose any husband she wants. She knew that she could heal him so he used her talent to get married to Beltrimo.

4.3. – This is the story of how three sisters fall in love with 3 different men, and these men devise a plan to sneak the sisters away in the night to live with them forever. They all believed that they loved each other and they lived happily for a short time until Restagnone loses interest with one of the sisters and begins to court another woman. This façade of love shows that he was not really in love with her but when the other sister sleeps with the count her husband is so angry he kids the wife. This story shows the difference between fake love and true love.

4.9. – Revenge plays out much differently in this story than in the other stories. The wife has an affair with her husband’s best friend, in vengeance he kills his friend and feeds his heart to his wife. When she finds this out she jumps out the window and kills herself, leaving her husband alone, the ultimate revenge. In this story it is the wives fault but her husband pays the price because of the actions he takes for vengeance.

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